Journal title
Dur. 1st rev. rnd
Tot. handling time
Imm. rejection time
Num. rev. reports
Report quality
Overall rating
Reason was generic: "Due to the large volume of excellent manuscripts that are submitted, editors are often forced to make decisions based on topic priority."
Paper used advanced methods for an analytic study design relating to a question of social disparities in health using high-quality data from multi-million dollar project with no recent equivalent from 12 years ago. Reviewer dismissed paper in 1 sentence: data were "REALLY old".
Dataset was more than 3 years old, so journal would not consider despite reasons given in cover letter such as addressing several past studies published in the journal with better data.
The overall process took very long and I was not always notified about delays. I had to send quite some notifications to remind the editor about my submission. Additionally, the editor did not always keep her promises which resulted in some frustration on my end. To be honest, I would not recommend anyone to submit a paper to this journal. It's a very tiresome process.
Editorial management: excellent.
Review quality: very poor. The paper has been rejected because results are not consistent with reviewers beliefs. Unfortunately, reviewers have not provided any scientific argument and reference to support their opinion. Overall, not even a single suggestion has been provided to improve the analysis and the manuscript.
Review quality: very poor. The paper has been rejected because results are not consistent with reviewers beliefs. Unfortunately, reviewers have not provided any scientific argument and reference to support their opinion. Overall, not even a single suggestion has been provided to improve the analysis and the manuscript.
The reviewer focused on matters of presentation and style, commenting in detail about graphs and tables without addressing at all the paper's topic.
Reviewers were favorable in recommending publication (one accept and one suggested a couple of revisions), but the editors rejected it anyway, with no opportunity to revise. Plus, the 6 month review time was unprofessional.
5.0 weeks
5.1 weeks
2 reports
Swift review process. After submission of the revised manuscript competent editors assessed the revised version without another round of reviews and accepted it immediately (I figure upon seeing that apt changes were made).
I am very satisfied about my submissions to this journal. The comments of the reviewers always helped to improve the article.
Although my article was rejected, the review procedure was very fast, and communication with the journal very efficient
The review process was fair and constructive, and the length of the whole process was expectable given the character of the article (length, scope).
Review process was speedy and adequate. However, some editorial details had to be fixed (switching decimal commas to decimal points in figures, to comply with journal style) which proved to be very tardy due to misunderstandings and technical problems. This significantly slowed down the procedure of final acceptance of the article.
Very good handling of the manuscript. Good and competent reviewers and a rather speedy process.
Very slow review process for just two reviews, which were actually both very positive.
The editor gave a one sentence justification for rejection, saying that the paper was not a strong enough contribution to the literature, despite having previously given an R&R decision and us fulfilling all the requests made by the reviewers.
Although I was disappointed with the outcome, the decision was fair.
I was happy with the quality of the reviews and the eventual outcome, but 6.5 months felt like a long time to wait for the initial decision.
There was one very positive review of the first vesion and one negative. For the revision the paper was not sent to the original positive one, and sent to another who was strongly antagonistic. The editors made no justification of the decicion not to permit a further revision to meet the demands of the new reviwer of the revised version.
The two (out of two) reviewers' comments were very helpful. They commented on few aspects that needed to be included to improve the paper. Although these changes were very demanding, however, the reviewers' were generous to reconsider the manuscript once these changes are incorporated, I was quite motivated by their comments and did the major revisions required. The editor of the journal was excellent too, in giving me the opportunity to do the major revisions and resubmit. I spent lot of hours in improving the manuscript and it was accepted after the major revisions were considered. I am very satisfied with the overall experience with this journal.
Out of the four reviewers, I got only two reviewers' comments that were in the negative. Both reviewers' pointed out the flaws in the manuscript which they already published just few years back, in one of their earlier papers without any issues. The reviewers' failed to look at the additional contribution of the paper, although it was mentioned in the introduction as well as emphasized in the conclusion. Of course, I agree that there were some limitation in my paper, and I already mentioned those as caveats. However, the reviewers' brought that out as a point of rejection. It's funny, because the earlier paper published by the journal didn't have some of the key aspects (that our paper addressed), both in terms of method and results, however was published. I think the reviewers' comments were somewhat biased. I will not be surprised if on of the reviewer's is the one whose paper we used as the basis to extend and improve on. I thanked the reviewers' and the editors, none the less, although expressing my objections to the first reviewers comments. Using the comments, none the less, I did minor revisions to the manuscript to avoid any confusion, and submitted to another outlet.
The reviews took a long time to come back (compared to other venues) and the quality of the reviews was very poor. The LaTeX system used failed repeatedly to build the submission, even though it was written using the journal's own stylesheets and no other modules. The editors were helpful, however as a special issue I am not sure how much this can be generalized from.
Although the review process was very lengthy, it was meticulous, and I got the impression that the editor was keen to try to help us to produce a finished product which was of really good quality. We felt we had achieved this in the end.
The article was assigned to an editor, who stated that it was not of interest to the journal. The submitted paper was a mortality study based on workplace conditions, but the editor to which the article was assigned has only published in the field of post-colonial literature analysis. It was difficult to understand why that individual was an editor at this journal.
decent reviews, overall duration acceptable
quick process, useful reviews
strong reviewers; overall duration was fine; very quick to go online after acceptance
very good review process which made the manuscript substantially better
not superfast, but equally time is given to properly review a manuscript
not superfast, but equally time is given to properly review a manuscript
I got referees' report within 8 months and the decision to publish by four more months (rather two months after my submission of the revised version) -within 5 months it was available online as advance access and by next 5 months it was published
The paper was rejected on the basis of a reviewer comment which however was not made available to me.
7.5 weeks
9.1 weeks
2 reports
I was always promtely infromed about any progress in the revision process. The editor was extremely professional and read carefully the manuscript in each step of the revision process. One of the referee reports was very very short and not praticularly useful. However the editor had a lot of very good suggestions which greatly improved the manuscript.
I have had papers accepted and rejected at Criminology under the current editorial team—Osgood, Gartner, and Baumer. The team is extremely efficient and professional. The review process is very quick, authors normally receive four reviews, and the reviews are generally thoughtful and knowledgeable. The editors actually read the submitted paper and reviewers’ comments, and they explain which comments are important and which comments are less important. When they have rejected one of my papers, the editors have provided 1-2 pages of comments explaining their decision.