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Latest review

First review round: 12.0 weeks. Overall rating: 0 (very bad). Outcome: Rejected.

Once we submitted our manuscript (13/03/18) first we waited almost two months without any answer. Once we complained they answered the 04/05/18 saying that due to the number of decline reviewers, they asked a member of the Editorial Board to review the manuscript. Finally one month after that, the reviewer and editor decided to reject the paper even though they liked the statistics, methodology, the novelty, the general question, writing and conclusions of our paper. Their major concern was related to the absence of supplementary tables but they did notice (neither they asked for) that we provided the link to a full repository with not only supplementary tables but also the code to generate every single figure in the paper from raw data. Therefore we wrote another letter to the editor (on 11/06/18) providing all the direct links to download these materials but the editor-in-chief simply responded that the decision for the manuscript was already final without giving any explanation.
Good process
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