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Latest review

Outcome: Drawn back.

This article never left the editor's desk after 6 months and numerous follow-up emails. So we withdrew it. We submitted in mid-March. A few very minor technical issues (which could have been sorted out after acceptance, and for which there seemed to contradictory advice) delayed it twice. It was sent back once, and the next time it sat for a couple of weeks with a tiny issue, but without notifying us. So it was formally submitted mid-April. That was the last communication of substance we received. We followed up on the website a few times, with a couple of vague responses received. The last two emails were unanswered. More recently, we emailed the publishers only to receive a patronizing email saying it was under control in 'due course'. Really, we should stop being impatient. Given this was a major multi-country survey of direct policy relevance to Covid-19, patience really was not at issue.
Good process
Space for journal cover image
