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Latest review

First review round: 6.9 weeks. Overall rating: 0 (very bad). Outcome: Rejected.

An associate editor which has reviewed the manuscript does not believe in one of the main tools quantitative genetics has developped in the last 20 years and recommends to reject the manuscript to discourage further research into this direction. The key sentences of the associate editor's review: "Personally, I do not believe that prediction of genetic values (additive, dominant or additive by additive) should be performed with Whole Genome Regression (WGR) methods for reasons that I discuss below. Notice that this is not to say WGR are useless, because they serve as the main tool for GWAS.... At this point, like many other papers, this research adds to the confusion on the value of WGR for predicting genetic effects that have been defined within a quantitative genetics framework. To summarize, I recommend rejection of the manuscript to discourage further research on prediction of genetic effects with WGR... "
Good process
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