Journal info (provided by editor)

% accepted last year
40% accepted
% immediately rejected last year
20% imm. rejected
Articles published last year
20 articles
Manuscripts received last year
50 manuscripts
Open access status
open access
Manuscript handling fee

Impact factors (provided by editor)

Two-year impact factor
Five-year impact factor


Estudios económicos is an academic journal that since 1962 is dedicated to the publication of original scientific research with a firm commitment to comply with ethical standards and good editorial practices. Currently, the Journal is co-published by the Department of Economics of the Universidad Nacional del Sur and the Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur (IIESS, UNS-CONICET), with a biannual periodicity in printed and digital format. The aim of the Journal is to publish original scientific works linked to the Economics and other disciplines with which it shares topics of interest. As a secondary purpose, it is proposed to offer a critical analysis of books published in the field of Economics, technical notes and comments.