Journal info (provided by editor)

% accepted last year
% immediately rejected last year
Articles published last year
16 articles
Manuscripts received last year
Open access status
open access
Manuscript handling fee

Impact factors (provided by editor)

Two-year impact factor
Five-year impact factor

Aims and Scope

The Central European Journal of Public Policy (CEJPP) is an open-access, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal with primary focus upon analytical, theoretical and methodological articles in the field of public policy.
The aim of the CEJPP is to provide academic scholars and professionals in different policy fields with the latest theoretical and methodological advancements in public policy supported by sound empirical research. The CEJPP addresses all topics of public policy including social services and healthcare, environmental protection, education, labour market, immigration, security, public financing and budgeting, administrative reform, performance measurements, governance and others. It attempts to find a balance between description, explanation and evaluation of public policie

Latest review

First review round: 4.7 weeks. Overall rating: 4 (very good). Outcome: Accepted.

In overall it was quite good collaboration. The communication between author and editor was on time, no delays in answers. The reviews were helpful and constructive. The manuscript submission system was very helpful in order to provide the account for the funding institution.
Excellent process