Latest review
First review round: 7.7 weeks. Overall rating: 0 (very bad).
Outcome: Rejected.
In literature, there is a very simple method for estimating the genetic correlation matrix. Due to its simplicity, this method is relatively often used. However it has some undesired numerical problems. We submitted a note (not a full paper) showing how to solve these problems. The second reviewer seems not to have read the manuscript in detail, since he made several statements on the manuscript which were very wrong. The editor proposed that we should compare the method to ASReml and resubmit as a new submission if our methods is better than the latter.
Our idea of this note was not to outperform a commercial software. In case a heuristic method which can be calculated with pen and paper would beat a commercial software, we would not submit this as a note, but as a full paper, and probably not to this journal...