Journal info (provided by editor)

% accepted last year
40% accepted
% immediately rejected last year
10% imm. rejected
Articles published last year
Manuscripts received last year
250 manuscripts
Open access status
Manuscript handling fee

Impact factors (provided by editor)

Two-year impact factor
Five-year impact factor

Aims and Scope

The benefits of clinical Health Information Technology (HIT) have long been established and we are at the dawn of an era where we can hope to leverage these benefits to make patient care safer, more efficient, less costly, more proactive and complete. However, lack of practical knowledge on linking clinical effectiveness to implementation success and return on investment has slowed adoption of HIT. For health care to move forward in adopting HIT successfully, institutions must be able to share successes and failures, to learn from them collectively, to avoid repeating mistakes and to save time, costs, and human lives.

As the Official eJournal of AMIA and IMIA, the online journal ACI - Applied Clinical Informatics (ACI) publishes approximately 100 peer-reviewed articles per year. It aims

Latest review

First review round: 4.0 weeks. Overall rating: 5 (excellent). Outcome: Accepted.

Although a little slow in the beginning (who is not??!) the editors were very responsive and I think the review process was excellent.