Journal info (provided by editor)

% accepted last year
24% accepted
% immediately rejected last year
10% imm. rejected
Articles published last year
64 articles
Manuscripts received last year
164 manuscripts
Open access status
Manuscript handling fee

Impact factors (provided by editor)

Two-year impact factor
Five-year impact factor

Aims and Scope

The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse is now published six times per year and provides an important and stimulating publication for the exchange of ideas between the diverse researchers examining the neurobiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of addictive disorders. The journal includes a wide range of translational research from preclinical through clinical aspects of substance use and addictive disorders. The Journal covers these topics with focused data presentations and authoritative reviews of timely developments in our field.

Manuscripts in neurobiology may include molecular biology, cellular physiology, and human and animal pharmacology of abused drugs. Submissions in pathophysiology may include behavioral pharmacology, neuroimaging, and family-genetic studies of asse