Journal info (provided by editor)

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% immediately rejected last year
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Impact factors (provided by editor)

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Latest review

First review round: 95.0 weeks. Overall rating: 1 (bad). Outcome: Rejected.

The longest review process in my career. I submitted my manuscript in spring of 2022. After 44 days I received an email from the editor-in-chief that he read my manuscript and is sending my paper out for review. 159 days later, I send an email asking if there was any progress with the reviews of my paper. I did not receive an answer. I approached the journal once again in 2023, again without a reaction. Finally, I approached the journal in January 2024 – 20 months after the initial submission. After first receiving a generic reply about the paper being under review, two weeks later, I received a personalized apology from the journal explaining that the delay has been caused by waiting for the second review and that they had to eventually change the reviewer. The deadline for the second review being next month. Finally, after almost 22 months under review, I received two detailed reviews together with a reject decision from the editor. No mentioning of the time it took them to review the paper. To put the long story short – if you would like to have your paper reviewed in a reasonable amount of time, try another journal.
Bad process
Space for journal cover image
