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Latest review

Outcome: Drawn back.

This article received a revise and resubmit the first time around. While we did not necessarily agree with all the comments, we extensively rewrote the article, added new variables, and re-ran the analysis, and gave a detailed account of all of this. This was several weeks work. We then resubmitted the article. Instead of sending it back to the original referees, we instead received a new bunch of referee reports from different reviewers, which did not always agree with the previous reviewers, and we were again given the opportunity to revise and resubmit. We are not clear that there is an end to this process. Presumably we could spend another couple of/few weeks revising this article, only to have the process repeated. This is a mid-range journal and is simply not worth the effort to do this. We have already expended 6 months on this. So we will send it to another journal.