Journal info (provided by editor)

% accepted last year
45% accepted
% immediately rejected last year
30% imm. rejected
Articles published last year
62 articles
Manuscripts received last year
198 manuscripts
Open access status
open access
Manuscript handling fee

Impact factors (provided by editor)

Two-year impact factor
Five-year impact factor

Aims and Scope

Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (JRMGE) is a Bimonthly journal in English to publish high-quality original and innovative papers on theories, methodologies and applications of rock, soil and geotechnical engineering, as well as insightful survey papers.
The English Journal is created to foster the international exchange of academic ideas and to promote the development of rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering, functioning actively as a bridge to link the research achievements with the international world, which aims to make more readers know the latest research development and key engineering construction in rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering.
The Journal reflects worldwide especially Chinese new achievements, new theory, new technique, new experience