Journal info (provided by editor)

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% immediately rejected last year
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Manuscripts received last year
Open access status
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Impact factors (provided by editor)

Two-year impact factor
Five-year impact factor

Aims and scope

The editor has not yet provided this information.

Latest review

First review round: 13.0 weeks. Overall rating: 0 (very bad). Outcome: Drawn back.

This manuscript was originally submitted in August 2019 and it has been sent to the reviewers three times. The final revision was submitted on September 22nd, 2020 and it's now December 17th and the status of our manuscript hasn't been updated ever since. The status currently is showing that the manuscript has been submitted, so it has not been assigned to reviewers. As I am writing this, I have tried contacting the chief editor directly and through Elsevier and all my attempts to get a response were fruitless. The chief editor outright ignores our emails and won't respond to Elsevier's request to give us an update. It has been very frustrating working with this journal and I have seen lower impact factor journals with better procedure times and work ethic.