Journal info (provided by editor)

% accepted last year
11% accepted
% immediately rejected last year
54% imm. rejected
Articles published last year
Manuscripts received last year
405 manuscripts
Open access status
Manuscript handling fee

Impact factors (provided by editor)

Two-year impact factor
Five-year impact factor

Aims and Scope

The Journal of Management Education, a leading voice in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) for over 40 years, is dedicated to enhancing teaching and learning in the management and organizational disciplines. The Journal publishes empirical, theoretical, conceptual, review and essay articles that examine teaching and learning within the engaged and experiential learning paradigm. Our published articles reflect changes and innovations in the conceptualization, organization, and practice of management education. The Journal of Management Education supports a long-standing editorial commitment to growth, learning, and creativity and uses a developmental approach in working with authors throughout the review process so that they may offer their highest quality work while maintainin

Latest review

First review round: 22.1 weeks. Overall rating: 5 (excellent). Outcome: Accepted.

The editors and reviewers gave me high quality feedback -- from the standpoint of the writing, the structure, the content, and they even suggested sources I was not familiar with. As a new academic, it was very much appreciated. My only suggestion would be to have stayed on top of the reviewers for the first round. I lost a several months time to revise because the editor was waiting for one of the reviewers, who never did provide a review. If I had received the benefit of the remaining reviews earlier, it would have been less stressful for me. Nevertheless, the individuals selected as editors and reviewers were extremely helpful, and also friendly and caring, which I really appreciated very much. It was a great process for me.