Journal info (provided by editor)

% accepted last year
13% accepted
% immediately rejected last year
52% imm. rejected
Articles published last year
31 articles
Manuscripts received last year
222 manuscripts
Open access status
open access
Manuscript handling fee

Impact factors (provided by editor)

Two-year impact factor
Five-year impact factor

Aims and Scope

Društvena istraživanja is a journal for general social issues that fosters complete thematic and disciplinary openness. It publishes works in different social and humanistic disciplines (sociology, psychology, political science, psychiatry, history, law, economics, demography, linguistics, etc.), and also considers works that are interdisciplinary.
The editorial board only accepts manuscripts that are written in Croatian or English, which have not been previously published. Authenticity of the papers is verified by the CrossCheck online service (a plagiarism detection software). Manuscripts should be submitted only in electronic form online via the Open Journal System:

Peer Review Process
All the papers that pass the first editorial control