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Latest review

Outcome: Rejected (im.).

This is a multi-disciplinary business journal currently with a Finance background professor as EIC. Author will submit their manuscript specifying which section to submit (i.e., IS, Marketing, HRM...etc) The phenomenon of my RQ is somewhat multi-dimensional. My RQ may not be interesting from a finance researcher's perspective, but not necessarily in other area researchers' perspective. I did not choose the finance sub-section for my submission, but he overwhelmingly accused that I did not justify the value of my research. He used his angle to judge, without passing it to section editor (head), and thus rejected my paper. The truth is, I have already provided many related market statistics (which justify the value of my RQ), stated my RQ clearly, and have cited literature that tried to answer my RQ but did not provide very concrete answer. He did not acknowledge the fact that a phenomenon related to finance can also be related to other areas. Studying a multi-dimensional phenomenon requires embracing diversity. Being the EIC of a multi-disciplinary business journal also requires embracing diversity. But the EIC of AJM did not.
Very good process
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